May 4, 2014

Free Comic Book Day – May 3, 2014

Tim Georgi

Voice actor, artist, writer, designer, photographer, DJ, anime fan, AKB48 wota, former Disneyland Cast Member & designer, geek, general slacker. Not necessarily in that order.


It was a great Free Comic Book Day. I hit up four different comic shops during the day, two that I had been to before and two that I hadn’t.

I started off at Night Flight Comics in Murray. After waiting in a short line, I got inside and picked up a nice pile of backissues that I had been missing.

Next, I headed north to Dr. Volt’s Comics in Salt Lake City. I had never been there before, but they have a great selection of stuff there. Definitely going back.

After that, I headed back south, stopping off for lunch at Moochies Meatballs and More, a nice spot that had been featured on the Food Network show Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives. I’d been meaning to stop and try them out, and I was glad that I did. Exceptionally tasty meatball sandwich and killer fry sauce.

Next, I hit another place that was new, Dark Soldiers Comics in Sandy. A small shop, but they had a lot of obscure stuff and they had one of the new Elfquest issues on shelf, which is always a good thing.

My final stop was at one of the shops close to home, the Dragon’s Keep in Lehi. Much smaller selection there, since they’re more a gaming shop than comics, but I found a few new issues there and picked up a new pile of bags and boards.

All in all, it was an excellent day. Spent WAY too much money on stuff, but hey, it’s all good, right?

Here’s my damage assessment:

Free Comic Book Day Books

  • Worlds of Aspen 2014
  • Rocket Raccoon
  • Grimm Fairy Tales
  • Guardians of the Galaxy
  • Atomic Robo
  • Armor Hunters

All The Other Stuff

  • FBP: Federal Bureau of Physics #2, 3, 4, 5
  • Fathom: Kiani #1 & 2
  • Vertigo CMYK
  • Superman Unchained #6
  • Harley Quinn #3 & 5
  • Inhuman #1
  • Batgirl Annual #2
  • Batgirl #18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 25, 27, 30
  • Lumberjanes #1
  • Captain Marvel #1 & 2
  • Lola XOXO #1
  • Fathom #6

All in all, 31 comics! Yeah, good day. Now I just have to find time to read them all…


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